COMSPHERE 3800Plus Modems
F-2 October 1998 3980-A2-GB30-40
Call Response
Call Failure Indication (CFI)
The CFI response is issued to the DTE if the modem
fails a CRN or CRS command. CFI is similar to the AT
The CFI response format is:
Where: xx is one of
ET Engaged tone
NS Number not stored
CB Local DCE busy
RT Timeout on ring tone
AB Abort call on time-out
NT Answer tone not detected
FC Forbidden call
ET is similar to the Call Failure Messages, Busy Signal
and Trunk Busy and the result code BUSY.
NS is similar to the Common Operational Message
Invalid Number and the result code ERROR.
CB is similar to the Call Failure Messages, Dial Line in
Use and No Dial-Test and the result code ERROR.
RT is similar to the Call Failure Message No Answer
Tone and the result code NO CARRIER.
AB is similar to the Call Failure Messages, No Dial
Tone and No Dial-DTR and the result code NO
NT is similar to the Call Failure Message No Quiet
Answer and the result code NO ANSWER.
Call Connecting (CNX)
The CNX response informs the DTE that the modem
has connected to the remote modem. CNX is similar to the
AT result code CONNECT.
The CNX response format is CNX.
Call Answer Commands
Call Answer commands disable or enable the modem’s
AutoAnswer function. These commands are issued from
the DTE. Call Answer commands include Incoming Call
(INC), Disregard Incoming Call (DIC) and Connect
Incoming Call (CIC).
Incoming Call (INC)
The INC response informs the DTE that the modem
has detected a ring tone. At this point, the DTE can issue
the DIC command to disable the modem from answering
the call. INC is similar to the AT result code RING.
Disregard Incoming Call (DIC)
The DIC command prevents the modem from
answering an incoming call. This command is only valid
once the DTE receives an incoming call (INC) response
from the modem. A DIC must be issued within 5 seconds
after receiving an INC.
The DIC command format is DIC.
If DIC is issued within 5 seconds, the modem sends the
VAL response to the DTE. If DIC is issued after
5 seconds, INV is returned.
Connect Incoming Call (CIC)
The CIC command forces the modem to cancel any
DIC commands and answer an incoming call. This
command is only valid when the DTE issues a DIC
command. CIC must be issued within 10 seconds after
sending a DIC. CIC is similar to the ATA command.
The CIC command format is CIC.
If CIC is issued within 10 seconds, the modem sends
the VAL response to the DTE. If CIC is issued after 10
seconds, INV is returned.