COMSPHERE 3800Plus Modems
8-8 October 1998 3980-A2-GB30-40
Table 8-1
(2 of 7)
DTE Interface Configuration Options
Sync DTE Rate:128000
Nxt 128000 115200 112000 96000 76800 72000 64000 57600 56000 48000 38400 28800 19200
14400 9600 4800 2400 1200
This configuration option only appears if SDC is enabled.
Synchronous DTE Data Rate. Determines the bit rate of data transferred between the synchronous DTE and the modem
during SDC operation. Data rates from 128,000 to 1200 bps are supported.
NOTE: A cable less than fifty feet in length is required for rates over 19,200 bps. Data synchronization at rates over
57,600 bps is sensitive to cable length and capacitance, and the DTE’s drivers and receivers. External transmit
clocking may be required.
The factory default is 128000 bps.
The AT command equivalent is S30=
# Data Bits: 8
Nxt 8 7 9(DirectMde) 6(DirectMde)
Number of Data Bits. Determines if data bytes are composed of 6, 7, 8, or 9 data bits. This data length excludes start,
parity, and stop bits.
8 – Sets data length to 8 data bits.
7 – Sets data length to 7 data bits.
9(DirectMde) – Sets data length to 9 data bits. Only valid when Error Control configuration option is set to Direct Mode.
6(DirectMde) – Sets data length to 6 data bits. Only valid when Error Control configuration option is set to Direct Mode.
The factory default (for Sync Dial) is 7 data bits.
NOTE: If the DTE Dialer Type configuration option is set for AT or V.25bis Async, then the total character size must
equal 10 bits (see DTE Dialer configuration options group in the user’s guide). Total character size consists of
an asynchronous start bit, asynchronous number of data bits, parity bits, and asynchronous stop bits. For
V.25bis Bisync or HDLC operation with a V.25bis compliant DTE, the number of data bits should be set to 7. The
total character size for Error Control mode or Buffer mode must be 10 bits. The total character size for Direct
mode must be 11 bits or less.
There is no AT command equivalent; AT prefix determines the async character length.
Parity Bit: None
Nxt None Even Odd Mark Space
Parity Bit. Determines the type of parity bit. The parity of the DTE must match the parity of the modem. Parity options
include None, Even, Odd, Mark, or Space.
None – No parity bit is used.
Even – Parity bit is set so that total number of 1’s in data bits plus parity bit is even.
Odd – Parity bit is set so that total number of 1’s in data bits plus parity bit is odd.
Mark – Parity bit is always set to 1. Only valid if # Data Bits configuration option is set to 7.
Space – Parity bit is always set to 0. Only valid if # Data Bits configuration option is set to 7.
The factory default (for Sync Dial) is Odd.
NOTE: If the DTE Dialer Type configuration option is set for AT or V.25bis Async, then the total character size must
equal 10 bits (see DTE Dialer configuration options group in the user’s guide). Total character size consists of
an asynchronous start bit, asynchronous number of data bits, parity bits, and asynchronous stop bits. For
V.25bis Bisync or HDLC operation with a V.25bis-compliant DTE, parity should be set to Odd. The total
character size for Error Control mode or Buffer mode must be 10 bits. The total character size for Direct mode
must be 11 bits or less.
There is no AT command equivalent; AT prefix determines parity of the async character.