COMSPHERE 3800Plus Modems
8-30 October 1998 3980-A2-GB30-40
Table 8-5
(3 of 5)
Leased Line Configuration Options
*Leased TX Level: 0
Nxt0–1–2–3–4–5–6–7–8–9–10–11–12–13 –14 –15
Leased Transmit Level. Selects the modem’s transmit power level over leased lines. The transmit output level can be
selected in 1 dBm decrements from 0 dBm to –15 dBm.
For V.34 operation over two-wire connections, do not set Leased TX Level to a value higher than –9 dBm.
The factory default is 0 dBm.
AT command equivalent is S-register S45=
*BadLn Auto Orig: Disable
Nxt Disable Enable FastBackup 2_min 5_min 10_min
Bad Lines Auto Originate. Allows the modem to dial backup telephone numbers (as determined by the Auto Redial
configuration option) to restore communications with the remote modem when the leased lines fail.
This configuration option must be enabled in both the local and remote modem. The Answer mode modem must have its
Auto-Answer Ring Number configuration option enabled. Refer to the Line Dialer configuration option group for
information regarding Auto-Answer.
Disable – The modem will not perform a Bad Lines Auto Originate.
Enable – The modem will originate a call after 30 seconds of continuous bad-line conditions.
FastBackup – The modem will originate a call after 20 seconds of continuous bad-line conditions.
2_min – The modem will originate a call after 2 minutes of continuous bad-line conditions.
5_min – The modem will originate a call after 5 minutes of continuous bad-line conditions.
10_min – The modem will originate a call after 10 minutes of continuous bad-line conditions.
The factory default is Disable.
AT command equivalent is S-register S46=
*Rate Auto Orig: Disable
Nxt Disable OnFlBkTo48 OnFlBkTo72 OnFlBkTo96 OnFlBkTo120 OnFlBkTo144 OnFlBkTo168
Rate Auto Originate. Initiates a dial backup call, using the phone number in directory location 1, when the leased-line
rate of the modem falls back to or below a certain speed.
Disable – The modem will not perform a Rate Auto Originate.
OnFlBkTo48 – If the leased-line rate of the modem falls back to 4800 bps, a dial backup attempt will be initiated.
OnFlBkTo72 – If the leased-line rate of the modem falls back to 7200 bps, a dial backup attempt will be initiated.
OnFlBkTo96 – If the leased-line rate of the modem falls back to 9600 bps, a dial backup attempt will be initiated.
OnFlBkTo120 – If the leased-line rate of the modem falls back to 12000 bps, a dial backup attempt will be initiated.
OnFlBkTo144 – If the leased-line rate of the modem falls back to 14400 bps, a dial backup attempt will be initiated. This
is available only on modems with the V.32
OnFlBkTo168 – If the leased-line rate of the modem falls back to
16800 bps, a dial backup attempt will be initiated. This is available only on modems with the V.32
AT command equivalent is S36=
NOTE: Rate Auto-Originate is valid only when Autorate is enabled (S76=0) and when running V.32bis modulation.
* This configuration option is only available if the Sync Leased factory preset template is selected.