
COMSPHERE 3821Plus Modem
3-28 January 1999 3821-A2-GB20-40
Table 3-5
(4 of 5)
DTE Dialer Configuration Options
*ResultCode Form: Words
Nxt Words Numbers (1) Numbers (2)
Result Codes Format. Controls whether or not result codes appear as words or as numeric codes. Some DTEs do not
recognize result codes as words; therefore, numbers are required. The Numbers (2) format is required for some modem
pooling applications. (For a list of result codes, refer to Appendix B.)
The factory default is Words.
AT command equivalent is V
*AT Cmnd Mode: Normal
Nxt Normal No_ERROR NoStrapOrERR
AT Command Mode. Determines how the modem responds to valid and invalid AT commands.
NOTE: Since this configuration option affects AT commands, it cannot be changed by the AT&F command. However, it
can be changed by selecting a factory preset configuration via the SDCP.
Normal – Allows normal operation of the AT command set. The modem acts upon all valid AT commands and issues the
ERROR result code for invalid commands. If a string with multiple commands is entered, then an invalid command within
that string will prevent the execution of subsequent valid commands.
No ERROR – Operates similar to Normal mode, however, the modem does not issue an ERROR result code for invalid
commands. When an invalid command equivalent is encountered, the modem ignores it and issues the OK result code. If
a string with multiple commands is entered, then an invalid command within that string will not prevent the execution of
subsequent valid commands.
No Strap or ERROR – Ignores all AT commands (including valid commands) that cause a configuration option to
change. Only nonconfiguring commands (for example ATD, ATA, and ATI) are executed; the ERROR result code is never
The factory default is Normal.
AT command equivalent is S-register S84=
V25bis Coding: ASCII
V.25bis Coding. Identifies to the modem whether the DTE is using ASCII code or EBCDIC code for V.25bis commands.
The modem responds to the DTE using the same coding.
NOTE: This configuration option only appears if DTE Dialer is configured for V25bis HDLC or V25bis Bisync.
The factory default is ASCII.
AT command equivalent is S-register S62=
* This configuration option only appears if DTE Dialer Type is configured for AT.