
Safety Instructions
F3821-A2-GB20-40 January 1999
This modem is suitable for connection to BT circuits with signalling at a nominal frequency of 2280 Hz and may be connected to
multipoint or point-to-point circuits. The apparatus does not require signalling or otherwise use the frequency range 0–200 Hz.
No d.c. interaction is intended between the modem and the telephone network.
This apparatus may be directly connected to a speechband circuit or connected to a relevant branch system for speechband circuits.
All European Countries
Safety Notice
Interconnection circuits between this modem and any other equipment should be such that the equipment continues to comply with the
requirements of EN41003 for TNV (Telephone Network Voltage) circuits and EN60950 for SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) circuits
after making connection between circuits.
This equipment is classified in the 1st Class category. When used in a residential
area or in an adjacent area thereto, radio interference may be caused to radios and
TV receivers, etc. VCCI-1
Due to JATE (Japan Approvals Institute for Telecommunications Equipment) regulations, only 3 attempts to dial a number are
permitted in a 3-minute period. If a fourth attempt is made to dial the same number, the modem returns the ERROR return code. This
restriction applies to the number dialed from the command line or from a directory. An occurrence of the restriction is canceled when a
different number is dialed, or when 3 minutes have elapsed.