
COMSPHERE 3821Plus Modem
4-22 January 1999 3821-A2-GB20-40
Table 4-2
(7 of 10)
S63 V.25bis Idle Character
Identifies to the modem the type of idle fill used by the DTE while in V.25bis HDLC or V.25bis Bisync mode.
Register has the following values:
0 = Mark
1 = Flag
Factory setting is Mark.
S64 V.25bis New Line Character
Identifies to the modem the type of line terminator used by the DTE while in V.25bis Async mode.
Register has the following values:
0 = Carriage Return and Line Feed
1 = Carriage Return
2 = Line Feed
Factory setting is carriage return and line feed (CR + LF).
S66 NMS Call Messages
Register determines if the modem sends information regarding status (Call Progress) and/or sends summarized call
statistics (Call Connect) to the COMSPHERE 6700 Series NMS.
Register has the following values:
0 = Call Connect & Progress
1 = Disable
2 = Call Connect Only
3 = Call Progress Only
The value of S66 is not affected by factory default templates.
S69 Make Busy Via DTR
Determines if the modem goes off-hook (busy) when DTR is Off. In the UK, the default value cannot be modified.
WARNING: The Make Busy function must be used only when the modem is connected to a PBX, or to a local phone
system that allows it.
Register has the following values:
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Factory setting is Disable.
S74 Network Position Identification
Register identifies each modem as either a control or tributary modem.
Register has the following values:
0 = Tributary
1 = Control
Factory setting is Tributary.
S75 Network Management Address
Register determines the modem’s network address. This address is used when accessing the modem from the NMS.
Enter a value from 0 (network address 001) to 255 (network address 256).
The value of S75 is 255 when the modem is shipped. The value of S75 is not affected by factory default templates.