COMSPHERE 3821Plus Modem
4-22 January 1999 3821-A2-GB20-40
Table 4-2
(7 of 10)
S63 – V.25bis Idle Character
Identifies to the modem the type of idle fill used by the DTE while in V.25bis HDLC or V.25bis Bisync mode.
Register has the following values:
0 = Mark
1 = Flag
Factory setting is Mark.
S64 – V.25bis New Line Character
Identifies to the modem the type of line terminator used by the DTE while in V.25bis Async mode.
Register has the following values:
0 = Carriage Return and Line Feed
1 = Carriage Return
2 = Line Feed
Factory setting is carriage return and line feed (CR + LF).
S66 – NMS Call Messages
Register determines if the modem sends information regarding status (Call Progress) and/or sends summarized call
statistics (Call Connect) to the COMSPHERE 6700 Series NMS.
Register has the following values:
0 = Call Connect & Progress
1 = Disable
2 = Call Connect Only
3 = Call Progress Only
The value of S66 is not affected by factory default templates.
S69 – Make Busy Via DTR
Determines if the modem goes off-hook (busy) when DTR is Off. In the UK, the default value cannot be modified.
WARNING: The Make Busy function must be used only when the modem is connected to a PBX, or to a local phone
system that allows it.
Register has the following values:
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Factory setting is Disable.
S74 – Network Position Identification
Register identifies each modem as either a control or tributary modem.
Register has the following values:
0 = Tributary
1 = Control
Factory setting is Tributary.
S75 – Network Management Address
Register determines the modem’s network address. This address is used when accessing the modem from the NMS.
Enter a value from 0 (network address 001) to 255 (network address 256).
The value of S75 is 255 when the modem is shipped. The value of S75 is not affected by factory default templates.