COMSPHERE 3821Plus Modem
3-44 January 1999 3821-A2-GB20-40
The Test configuration options determine specifics,
such as the duration of a test, for the various diagnostic
tests available to the modem.
Table 3-10 shows each Test configuration option as it
appears on the LCD.
Table 3-10
Test Configuration Options
Test Timeout: Disable
Nxt Disable 30sec 60sec 240sec
Test Time-out. Determines how long a test runs before aborting.
Disable – Allows a test to run indefinitely.
30, 60, or 240 seconds – Allows the test to run for 30 seconds, 60 seconds, or 240 seconds.
The factory default is Disable.
AT command equivalent is S-register S18=
Rcv Remote Loop: Enable
Nxt Enable Disable
Receive Remote Loopback Response. Determines if the modem responds to a request for a remote loopback issued
from a remote modem.
The factory default is Enable.
AT command equivalents are &T4 (Enable) and &T5 (Disable).