COMSPHERE 3821Plus Modem
3-32 January 1999 3821-A2-GB20-40
Table 3-6
(3 of 4)
Line Dialer Configuration Options
Long Space Disc: Enable
Nxt Enable Disable
Long Space Disconnect. Determines the modem’s response to a continuous spacing condition sent from the remote
modem when it goes on-hook. Issuing a long space is one method of disconnecting a call.
NOTE: This configuration option is ignored when the modem operates in Synchronous mode or Dial Backup mode.
Enable – Modem disconnects if it receives a continuous space from the DTE. The modem’s transmitter will transmit
4 seconds of long space upon a disconnect.
Disable – Modem does not disconnect if it receives a continuous space from the DTE. Modem will not transmit a long
space disconnect.
For Async Dial, UNIX Dial, and Sync Leased, Enable is the factory default.
For Sync Dial, Disable is the factory default.
AT command equivalent is Y
No Carrier Disc: 2sec
Nxt 2sec 5sec Disable 10sec 20sec
No Carrier Disconnect. If the modem no longer receives carrier from the remote modem, it disconnects the call. This
configuration option determines how long carrier is Off before the modem disconnects. Loss of carrier is one method of
disconnecting a call.
2, 5, 10, 20 sec – Modem disconnects if carrier turns Off for more than 2 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, or
20 seconds.
Disable – Modem does not disconnect if carrier turns Off.
The factory default is 2sec.
NOTE: The default and permitted settings of this option are country-dependent. See Appendix H.
AT command equivalent is S-register S10=
No Data Disc: Disable
Nxt Disable 10min 30min 60min
No Data Disconnect. Forces the modem to disconnect if no data is transmitted or received within a specified amount of
Disable – Modem remains connected despite the lack of data flow.
10, 30, 60 min – Modem disconnects if data is not received or transmitted within 10-minute, 30-minute, or 60-minute
The factory default is Disable.
NOTE: The default and permitted settings of this option are country-dependent. See Appendix H.
AT command equivalent is \T