CM9740-CC1 | 15
5.1.4 Category I–Upgrade Replacement (Software Only)
Object: To upgrade current system software to the latest available.
• Yo u ’re currently running a fully operational CC1 to which is attached an external PC
containing the MGR program.
• You have ordered the current software upgrade package for the CC1.
• You have also ordered (if applicable) compatible keyboard software for use with the
system software upgrade (CM9760-KBD-XXX).
To upgrade your system software:
1. Halt system operation (if applicable) with the familiar Ctrl + Q key combination.
2. Replace the old MGR program on the external PC with the upgrade MGR program by
doing the following:
a. Remove the old MGR program, following the instructions in Appendix V.
b. Install the new MGR program using the quick-start guide in Appendix I.
3. Use the READ utility of the just–installed MGR program to read in a copy of your cur-
rent configuration files.
4. Effect any changes desired, save the files to the database and use the WRITE utility to
write a copy of your configuration files to floppy disk. Make sure you continue to use
the same global prefix name for your configuration set that you used before or you will
have to change your autoexec.bat file later.
5. Copy the new configuration set to the C:\9740 directory on the hard drive of the CC1
and overwrite any files existing there.
6. Copy the latest system executable (CM9740.EXE) [located on the “Utility Disk”] and
overwrite the old executable located in the C:\9740 directory of the CC1.
7. Upgrade the keyboard software (if applicable) using the appropriate KBD upgrade kit.
8. Attach all equipment not yet connected to the CC1.
9. Power-up all peripheral equipment; turn on the CC1.
10. Initialize the system and check for errors.