CM9740-CC1 | 47
Directory Structure Hands-On – Exercise II
Figure 29 is a sample directory tree which represents the file structure of the
CC1. Pay no attention to the VGACAP directory and its CAPS subdirectory. It
doesn’t exist on your hard drive. It’s an extraneous DOS screen capture utility
that was used for capturing some of the figures you see in this manual.
The tree command gives you a directory path listing of all the directories on
the hard drive as long as it is issued while you are in the
directory. Just
type in the word tree (minus the parentheses) after the [ > ] prompt. Refer to
Figure 29.
If there are other files that are part of the root directory, they won’t appear un-
less you issue a directory command (dir). If you issue the directory command
while in the root directory, you will again get a listing of all the directories on
the hard drive. However, you will also get a listing of any other files that are
within the root directory. In general, the directory command will list all subdirecto-
ries and files that exist within the directory from the directory in which the com-
mand was issued. Figure 30 gives a listing of files and directories found when
the dir command is issued from the root directory (enter dir just like you did for
Root Directory
Notice that in addition to what amounts to an expanded directory listing just
like that obtained using the “tree” command, there are now listed all of the files
that are part of the root directory. Of special significance (with respect to the
boot process and also part of CC1 initialization), are the autoexec.bat and
config.sys files. We’ll come back to them later. First, focus on the 9740 direc-
tory. With respect to CC1 file maintenance, this directory is the most important
of those listed. It contains your current flat file configuration as well as the ex-
ecutable for the system [CM9740.EXE]. If you navigate to that directory and
open it you should see something like the listing in Figure 31. To get there, do
the following (type in what you see in bold letters):
From the root directory,
C:\> cd 9740 [
press the
RESULT: C:\9740> (takes you to 9740 direc-
Next, invoke the dir command as follows:
C:\9740> dir [
press the
Alternately, dir/w displays the file listing in
columns across the screen.
RESULT: Figure 31
Figure 29
CC1 Directory Structure
Figure 30
Root Directory
CM9740. EXE
This is THE executable for the operational program that
handles all tasks related to 9740 matrix system operation.
The DOS program that calls the CM9740 executable is
normally configured at the factory such that if (1) all
equipment has been configured and attached to the CC1
and that (2) all flat files corresponding to the equipment
hook-up exist in the CM9740 directory, then when the
system is turned on, the CM9740 program will execute, and
load the information in the flat files for system operation.
We shall cover how and why this takes place; in what order
this take place, and other aspects of successful CC1
initialization and operation in the upcoming sections of the
Figure 31
9740 Directory