6 | C1508M-A (02/01)
The CM9740-CC1 is the controller for the System 9740™ Matrix switching system. Although
the CM9740-CC1 has a smaller hardware footprint than the CM9760-CC1, it can, with its
“9740 specific” executable software, interface the same peripheral mix that the CM9760-
CC1 does, but on a reduced scale. In fact, the CM9740-CC1 can be installed as a node in a
multi-node 9760 system, if desired.
In this manual, we attempt to meet the diverse needs of the user for information by discuss-
ing the most common type of configuration in which the CM9740-CC1 can be found. This
configuration type, referred to here as “Category I,” is discussed further in the next section.
The topics touched on in Section 3.0 are important for the user to be familiar with in order to
gain the most benefit from the discussions that take place later in Sections 5.0 and 6.0. The
physical aspects of the CM9740-CC1 are discussed in Section 4.0. Section 5.0 discusses
installation configuration scenarios, and Section 6.0 is concerned with controller initialization.
The basic installation type, which we refer to as “Category I,” is discussed from the stand-
point of the CC1 as being (1) part of a New System Installation and (2) as an indi-
vidual CC1 Replacement Installation within an existing system installation. We don’t
exclude upgrade scenarios in our discussions, by which we mean that an existing system
software and/or hardware mix (of which the CC1 is a part) is upgraded to a newer version.
The Category I case is emphasized throughout and in more explicit detail with respect to
the subtopics mentioned above, because, in most cases, one can extrapolate CC1 behavior
there to more involved configurations.
Section 6.0 discusses initialization and what happens or should
happen when the CC1 is powered on for the first time. We discuss
various elements of system configuration, how they interact and the
part the CC1 plays in it. What should happen, what can happen, and
what to look for during initialization are also explored. Next, diag-
nostic screen functions, diagnostic key commands and those as-
pects of the MGR program that affect CC1 integrity are explored.
Finally, we briefly list some of the more common problems encoun-
tered during initialization and suggest possible corrective action.
At any point in the manual where information appearing in an ap-
pendix has a bearing on the discussion at hand, that appendix is
referenced. Based on one’s current knowledge and experience,
one may or may not feel the need to consult it.