CM9740-CC1 | 51
Figure 34
MGR Program Location
Reading in Your Configuration Files
After the MGR program is installed, a 9740MGR Pelco icon should appear on your desktop.
If it is not there, look for the 9740MGR folder in the root directory of your C drive (refer to
Figure 34). The 9740MGR application program will be located there.
Double-click on the MGR icon and the MGR program starts.
Now proceed with the following:
1. Proceed to Section 2.3 of the 9760 MGR manual and follow the instruc-
tions for logging on.
2. Next, proceed to Appendix IV in this manual and follow the instructions
there for reading in your configuration files (flat files) into the MGR pro-
3. One set of your flat files is located on the disk labeled “System 9740
Utility Disk” (as a precautionary measure, you might use the Windows
diskcopy command to make a copy of the utility disk and use the copy
for the exercise rather than the original).
4. Once the files are read in, click on the 9740 Setup files icon on the MGR
program toolbar (refer to Figure 2-2 in the CM9760-MGR manual).
This will bring up a Configuration Files Dialog box.
5. Click on the rectangular Setup Files tab (refer to Figure 3-2 in the
CM9760-MGR manual).
6. This brings up the Windows Set9740 Setup Files
Dialog Box. Each tab there is associated with a
dialog box for various setup files. The information
contained within the files comes from the files you
loaded in step 2. That data is now contained within
the associated tabbed dialog boxes for purposes
of viewing, editing, etc. We suggest you proceed
to Chapter 3 of the 9760 MGR manual and follow
the discussions there about these tabbed setup
files (monitor, camera, etc.) and try to relate the
information given there to the information you
loaded for your individualized configuration files.
This will at least enable you to get a “feel” for your
own system configuration as well as introduce you
to the use of one important aspect of the MGR
7. When finished, just click on the Close button to exit
the Setup files and then close out the 9740 System
Manager just as you would any other Windows pro-