6 ECG, Arrhythmia, and ST Monitoring ECG Lead Placements
10-Lead Placement
When monitoring 12-leads of ECG, using a 10-Electrode Lead Placement, it is important to correctly
place electrodes and to label all 12-lead ECG reports with the correct lead placement.
Conventional 12-Lead ECG
In conventional 12-Lead ECG using 10
electrodes, an electrode is placed on the right
arm, left arm, right leg, and left leg. Six V-
electrodes are placed on the chest. The right leg
electrode is the reference electrode.
Limb electrodes:
– Place arm electrodes on the inside of each
arm, between the wrist and the elbow.
– Place leg electrodes inside of each calf,
the knee and the ankle.
Chest electrodes:
V1 - on the 4th intercostal space at the right
sternal border
V2 - on the 4th intercostal space at the left
sternal border
V3 - midway between the V2 and V4 electrode
V4 - on the 5th intercostal space at the left
midclavicular line
V5 - on the left anterior axillary line, horizontal
with the V4 electrode position
V6 - on the left midaxillary line, horizontal with
the V4 electrode position
V1 - V6