20 Trends Setting Up Trends
Making Segment Settings
The Graphical Trends window is divided into measurement segments, each of which has its own
To enter the segment menu,
♦ select the left hand column of the segment, where the measurement label is displayed.
Expanded View
To expand the segment to fill the Graphical Trends window,
♦ in the Segment menu, select Expand to have that segment enlarged to fill the window.
In the expanded view, you can also highlight a measurement to make it more easily visible (for example
when multiple ST trends are in one segment). To highlight a measurement,
♦ in the Segment menu, select Highlight repeatedly until the highlight is on the required
To return the segment to its original size,
♦ in the Segment menu, select Expand again.
Trend Scales for Segment Measurements
To change the trend scales for a measurement in the current segment:
1 In the segment menu, select the measurement label
2 Select Upper to change the upper limit of the scale or Lower to change the lower limit of the
Optimum Scale
To have the monitor automatically select an optimum scale for viewing, based on current values,
♦ in the Segment menu, select Optimum Scale.
This scale change is temporary. When the graphical trend window is closed the scale reverts back to the
setting in
Parameter Scales.
To switch off automatic optimum scaling,
♦ in the Segment menu, select Optimum Scale again.
Trend Group
To add or remove measurements for this trend group or change the order of the existing
1 In the Segment menu, select Change Group
2 Use the Add, Change, Sort Up and Sort Down popup keys to change or re-order the group as
No. of Segments
In an embedded graphical trend window, you can select the number of segments to be displayed in the
Segment menu: