Setting Up Trends 20 Trends
The currently-selected column is highlighted. The values can be configured to display in the same
colors as the waves and numerics on the realtime display.
Any values available for display before the next scheduled update are shown in the right hand column,
with a timestamp in brackets
If more than one value is available for an aperiodic trend for a certain trend period, all measured values
are stored in the database and the value closest to the timestamp is shown in the Vital Signs display
marked with an arrow.
Trends Pop-Up Keys
When you open the trends window, a selection of pop-up keys appears to let you navigate through the
stored trend data and carry out trends-related tasks.
Setting Up Trends
Trends are set up in Configuration Mode. You can make temporary changes to trends settings such as
trend groups, priorities, or scales in Monitoring Mode. The general settings for all Trends are under
Main Setup -> Trends.
Settings for a single segment in graphical trends or for the corresponding trend group can be made
more easily in that segment menu.
Pop-Up Keys Selecting this pop-up key lets you....
see a pop-up list of trend groups and select a group for viewing.
see a pop-up list of available data resolution settings and select the level of detail shown
in the trend view.
print a tabular trends report or make a tabular trend recording of the data in the
current window. The report will use the current trend interval settings.
print a graphic trends report of the data in the current window. The report will use the
current trend interval settings.
move the cursor one step to the left or right to navigate through the trends database
move the cursor one page to the left or right to navigate through the trends database
jump to the beginning or the end of the trends database to see the most recent or oldest
trend information stored.
scroll up and down the screen to see measurement trends that do not fit in the current
open the current trend view in tabular form. The displayed time period and resolution
stay the same.
open the current trend view in graphic form. The displayed time period and resolution
stay the same.