7 Monitoring Pulse Rate Switching Pulse On and Off
Switching Pulse On and Off
To switch a particular pulse numeric on or off, enter the Setup Pulse menu via the measurement
setup menu or wave menu of the pulse source. For example, to switch an SpO
pulse numeric on or
1 Enter the Setup Pulse menu by selecting the Pulse numeric or by selecting Pulse in the
Setup SpO2 menu.
2 In the Setup Pulse menu, select Pulse (Pulse source) to toggle between On and
To switch the system pulse on or off, in any Setup Pulse (Pulse Source) menu, check
which measurement is currently selected as pulse source. Enter the Setup Pulse menu for this
pulse source and then switch off the pulse measurement as described.
Using Pulse Alarms
You can change pulse rate alarm limits in the Setup Pulse menu accessed via any Pulse source, or
in the Setup ECG menu. Changing the alarm limits for a specific Pulse numeric changes the alarm
limits for all pulse rate alarms and heart rate alarms.
Pulse alarms are only generated when the active alarm source is set to Pulse and a pulse source is set as
system pulse.
Selecting the Active Alarm Source: HR or Pulse?
In most cases the HR and Pulse numerics are identical. In order to avoid simultaneous alarms on HR
and Pulse, the monitor uses either HR or Pulse as its active alarm source. To change the alarm source,
Alarm Source in the Setup ECG or Setup Pulse menu, then select either
• HR: if you want the HR to be the alarm source for HR/Pulse.
• Pulse: If you select Pulse as the active alarm source, the monitor will prompt you to confirm your
choice. Be aware that if you select Pulse as the alarm source, all arrhythmia and ECG HR alarms are
switched off.
• Auto: If the Alarm Source is set to Auto, the monitor will use the heart rate from the ECG
measurement as the alarm source whenever the ECG measurement is switched on and no ECG
LEADS OFF INOP is active.
The monitor will automatically switch to Pulse as the alarm source if:
– a Pulse source is switched on and available,
– the heart rate becomes unavailable and the ECG LEADS OFF inop is active.
The monitor then uses the pulse rate from the measurement currently selected as system pulse.
While Pulse is the alarm source, all arrhythmia and ECG HR alarms are switched off. If the HR
becomes available again, the monitor automatically uses this as alarm source.