The Events Database 23 Event Surveillance
For manually-triggered events. patient information for the time leading up to the trigger moment is
stored using the settings of the assigned event group.
The Events Database
The maximum number of events that can be stored in the event database depends on the database
configuration and the level of event surveillance used. The event database is set up in the monitor’s
Configuration Mode. Events are stored in the monitor’s event database for the configured lifetime,
either 8 hours or 24 hours. Deleted events cannot be retrieved. Events are automatically deleted when:
• their configured lifetime is over
• the storage capacity of the database is exceeded (storing a further event deletes the oldest event in the
• a patient is discharged.
As the event database is cleared when you discharge a patient, you should ensure that you have
documented any events you require for the patient records before you confirm the discharge.
Viewing Events
• To see a summary of all the events in every group in the event database, use the Event Summary
• To review all the events in a particular event group, use the
Event Review window.
• To review individual event episodes in detail, use the
Event Episode window.
Event Counter
Vertical bars mark
events in the Event
Summary window.
The timeline shows
the position of the stored events in the event database. Selecting this view activates a cursor that lets
you navigate across the timeline and select individual events for review in the
Episode Review
window. It also calls up the events pop-up keys.
The event counter counts the total number of events in the database. If more than one event group was
set to trigger events within the event history, the event counter also counts the event group totals.
To start viewing events, either:
♦ in the Main Setup menu, select Event Surveillance and then select the event view
you require from the list, or
♦ select the Event Surveillance SmartKey and then select the event view
you require from the list.
Event Counter
Event Counter (Graphic)