Using thepreset screen
1 Push M.C. upor downto display thepreset
2 Push M.C. upor downuntil thedesired band
(FM1, FM2,FM3 forFM orAM) isdisplayed.
3 UseM.C.to storethe selected frequencyin the
memor y.
Turnto changethe preset number. Press and
hold tostore.
4 UseM.C.to selectthe desired station.
Turnto changethe station.Press toselect.
You canalso displaythe presetscreen by pressing
HOME. Referto Basicmenu operationson page 12.
Using iTunes tagging
This function can be operated with the following
iPod models.
— iPod 5th generation
— iPod nano 3rd generation
— iPod nano 4th generation
— iPod nano 5th generation
— iPod classic
— iPod classic 120GB
— iPod touch
— iPod touch 2nd generation
— iPhone
— iPhone 3G
However, tag information can be stored in this
unit even while other iPod models are used.
The song information (tag) can be saved from
the broadcasting station to your iPod. The
songs will show up in a playlist called “Tagged
playlist” in iTunes the next time you sync your
iPod. Then you can directly buy the songs you
want from the iTunes Store.
Storing thetag informationto this unit
1 Tunein tothe broadcast station.
2 Press and holdM.C. if
appears inthe display
while thedesired songis broadcasting.
Storing thetagged informationto your iPod
1 Connect theiPodto thisunit andtransfer this
unit’s taginformation tothe iPod.
! The tagged songs and the song that youcan
buy from the iTunes Store may be different.
Make sure to confirm the song before you
make the purchase.
! If you cannot use this function normally, up-
date your iPod firmware.
! The tag information for up to 50 songs canbe
stored on this unit.
Depending on the timing of when the tag in-
formation is stored, the tag information forthe
song played before or after the currently play-
ing song may also be stored.
! If an SD is selected as the source while tagin-
formation is being stored to this unit,the tag
information will not be transferred tothe iPod.
! Tag information cannot be transferred to the
iPod when a file on an SD device is being
viewed as a slideshow.
! While transferring the tag, you cannot select
the SD source.
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the function
2 Turn M.C. to select the function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the function.
BSM (beststations memory)
BSM (beststations memory) automatically storesthe
six strongeststations inthe order oftheir signal
1 Press M.C. toturn BSMon.
Tocancel, pressM.C. again.
Local (localseek tuning)
Local seektuning letsyou tunein to onlythose radio
stations withsufficiently strong signalsfor goodre-
1 Press M.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 Turn M.C.to selectthe desiredsetting.
FM: Off—Level1—Level2—Level3—Level4
AM: Off—Level1—Level2
The largerthe settingnumber, thehigher thesig-
nal level.The highestlevel settingallows recep-
tion ofonly thestrongest stations; whilelower
settings letyou receiveprogressiv ely weaker sta-
3 Press M.C. toconfirm theselection.
Operating this unit