1 Press M.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 Turn M.C.to selectthe nameof adevice youwant
to delete.
3 Press M.C. toselect thedevice youwant todelete.
Pressand holdM.C. toswitch the BDaddress
and devicename.
4 Use M.C.to selectYes.
Turnto changethe menu option.Pressto select.
Tocancel, selectNo.
! While thisfunction isin use, donot turnoff the
Add Device(connecting anew cellular phone)
1 Press M.C. tostart searching.
! To cancel, pressM.C. whilesearching.
2 Turn M.C.to selecta devicefrom thedevice list.
! Ifthedesireddevice isnot displayed, select
Search Again.
! Iffivedevices are alreadypaired, Memory
Full isdisplayed andit isnot possible toper-
form thisoperation. Inthis case,delete a
paired devicefirst.
3 Press and holdM.C. toswitch theBD address
and devicename.
4 Press M.C. toconnect theselected cellular
While connecting,the circular indicator flashes.
Tocomplete theconnection, checkthe device
name (MVH-P8200BT)and enterthe link codeon
your cellularphone. If theconnection isestab-
lished, acircular indicatorappears next tothe de-
vice name.
Special Device(setting aspecial device)
Bluetooth devicesthat arediffic ult toestablisha con-
nection withare calledspecial devices. Ifyour Blue-
tooth deviceis listedas aspecial device, selectthe
appropriate one.
1 Press M.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 Use M.C.to selecta specialdevice.
Turnto changethe menu option.Pressto select.
3 Use acellular phoneto connectto thisunit.
While connecting,the circular indicator flashes.
Tocomplete theconnection, checkthe device
name (MVH-P8200BT)and enterthe link codeon
your cellularphone. If theconnection isestab-
lished, acircular indicatorappears next tothe de-
vice name.
! Iffivedevices are alreadypaired, Memory
Full isdisplayed andit isnot possible toper-
form thisoperation. Inthis case,delete a
paired devicefirst.
Auto Connect(connecting toa Bluetooth device
1 Press M.C. toturn automaticconnection onor
Visibility (settingthe visibilityof this unit)
Tocheck theavailability of thisunit fromother de-
vices, Bluetoothvisibility of thisunit canbe turned
1 Press M.C. toturn thevisibility ofthis unit onor
! While settingSpecial Device, Bluetoothvisibi-
lity ofthis unitis turnedon temporarily.
Device Information(BD (Bluetooth device)address
1 Press M.C. todisplay theBD addressand device
PIN Code(PIN codeinput)
Toconnect yourcellular phone tothis unitvia Blue-
tooth wirelesstechnology,you needto enter aPIN
code onyour phoneto verify theconnection. Thede-
fault codeis 0000,but youcan change itwith this
1 Press M.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 Turn M.C.to selecta number.
3 Press M.C. tomove thecursor tothe nextposi-
4 After inputtingthe PINcode (up to8 digits),press
The PINcode canbe storedin thememory.
! Whenyoupress and holdM.C. inthe same
display, thePIN code youentered isstored in
this unit.
! PressingM.C. inthe confirmation displayre-
turns youto thePIN codeinput display,and
you canchange thePIN code.
Phone menu operation
Be sure to park your vehicle in a safe place and
apply the parking brake when performing this op-
1 Display the phone menu.
Refer to Basic menu operations on page 12.
Operating this unit