! It may take a few seconds before you canhear
anything while this unit acquires and pro-
cesses the satellite signal when youchange
the source to a SIRIUS tuner or select a chan-
Storing and recalling stations
Operations are basically the same as those of
the tuner. (Refer to Storing and recalling sta-
tions on page 14.)
However, the band selection method is differ-
ent from that of the tuner.
! Push M.C. down.
Band canbe selectedfrom SIRIUS1,SIRIUS2 or SIR-
Selecting a SIRIUS channel directly
Operations are the same as those of the XM
tuner. (Refer to Selecting an XMchannel directly
on page 41.)
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select Function.
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the function.
Channel Mode(channel selectmode setting)
You havetwo methodsfor selectinga channel: by
number andby category.When selectingby number,
channels inany category canbe selected. Selectby
categoryto narrow yoursearch downto onlychan-
nels ina particularcategory.
Referto Channel Mode(channel selectmode setting)
on page41.
Game Alert(game alertsetting)
This systemcan alertyou when gamesinvolving your
favorite teamsare aboutto start. To usethis function
you needto setup agame alertfor the teamsin ad-
! To usethis function, aPioneerSIRIUS businter-
face (e.g.CD-SB10) isrequired.
! To usethis function, aSIRIUS plug-and-playunit
with aGame AlertFunctionis required.
! Fordetails, referto the SIRIUSplug-and-play
unit’s manuals.
! You canalso operate thisfunction whena SIR-
PNR2 isconnected tothis unit.
! TheGameAlert function ison atthe defaultset-
! Onceyouselect the teams,you needto turnthe
Game Alertfunction on.
1 Press M.C. toturn theGame Alerton oroff.
! Whenagame of theselected teamis aboutto
start (oris currentlyplaying) ona different station,
a gamealert isdisplayed.
Use M.C.to selectJump andswitch to theother
station tolisten tothe game.
Turnto changethe menu option.Pressto select.
If youselect Stay, thestation willnot beswitched.
TeamSetting (team setting)
1 Press M.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 Press M.C. toselect adesired league.
3 Turn M.C.to selecta desiredteam.
4 Press and holdM.C. tostore theselected team in
the memory.
The gamealert functionis activatedfor that team.
5 Repeatthese steps toselect otherteams.
Up to12 teamscan beselected.
! Whenyouhave already selected12 teams,
FULL isdisplayed andadditional teamscan-
not beselected. Inthis case,first delete ase-
lected teamand thentry again.
Live GameInfo (gameinformation)
Available accessories