2 Turn M.C. to select the function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the function.
Recent (recentcall history)
You canmake aphone callby selecting fromdialed
calls, receivedcalls, andmissed calls inthis menu.
1 Press M.C. todisplay MissedCalls (missedcall
history),Dialled Calls (dialedcall history) orRe-
ceived Calls(received callhistory).
2 Use M.C.to selectthe desiredlist.
Turnto changethe menu option.Pressto select.
Toreturn tothe previous display,push M.C.down.
3 Press M.C. tomake acall.
4 When youfind aphone numberthat you wantto
store inthe memory,press andhold M.C. right.
Phone Book(phone book)
! Thephonebook in yourcellular phonewill be
transferred automaticallywhen the phoneis con-
nected tothis unit.
! Depending onthe cellularphone, the phonebook
may notbe transferredautomatically. Inthis case,
operate yourcellular phoneto transfer thephone
book. Thevisibility ofthis unit shouldbe on.Refer
to Visibility(setting the visibilityof thisunit) on
the previouspage.
1 Press M.C. todisplay thealphabetical list.
2 Turn M.C.to selectthe firstletter ofthe name you
are lookingfor.
! Pressand holdM.C. to selectthe desired
character type.
alphabet–cyrillic alphabet
3 Press M.C. todisplay aregistered namelist.
4 Turn M.C.to selectthe nameyou arelooking for.
5 Press M.C. todisplay thephone numberlist.
6 Use M.C.to selectthe phonenumber youwant to
Turnto changethe phone number. Press tose-
Toreturn tothe previous display,push M.C.down.
7 Press M.C. tomake acall.
8 When youfind aphone numberthat you wantto
store inthe memory,press andhold M.C. right.
Preset Dial(preset phonenumbers)
1 Press M.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 Use M.C.to selectthe desiredpreset number.
Turnto changethe menu option.Pressto select.
Toreturn tothe previous display,push M.C.down.
3 Press M.C. tomake acall.
Phone Function(phone function)
You canset AutoAnswer andRing Tone from this
menu. For details,refer toFunctionand operation on
this page.
Connection (phoneconnection)
Operate theBluetooth telephoneconnection menu.
Referto Connection menuoperation on page26.
Function and operation
1 Display Phone Function.
Refer to Phone Function (phone function) on
this page.
2 Press M.C. to display the function
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the function.
Auto Answer(automatic answering)
1 Press M.C. toturn automaticanswering onor off.
Ring Tone (ringtone select)
1 Press M.C. toturn thering toneon oroff.
Operating this unit