Depending onthe USBstorage device,the device
may causenoise tooccur onthe radio.
! Thedevicemay generate noisein theradio.
This unitcan playback filesin theUSB portable
audio player/USBmemory thatis USBMass Storage
Class. However, copyrightprotectedfiles thatare
stored inthe USBdevices cannotbe played back.
You cannotconnect aUSB portableaudio player/USB
memoryto thisun it via USBhub.
Partitioned USBmemory isnot compatiblewith this
Depending onthe kindof USBportableaudio player/
USB memory youuse, thedevice maynot be recog-
nized oraudio filesmay notbe played backproperly.
Do notleave theUSB portableaudio player/USB
memoryin directsunlight for extendedamounts of
time. Doingso maycause thedevice to malfunction
from theextreme risein temperature.
SD memory card
This unitsupports onlythe following typesof SD
! SD
Keep theSD memory cardout of thereach ofchil-
dren.Should the SDmemorycard be swallowed,con-
sult adoctor immediately.
Do nottouch theconnectors of theSD memory card
directly withyour fingers or withany metaldevice.
Do notinsert anythingother thanan SD memory card
into theSD cardslot. Ifa metalobject (such asa
coin) isinserted intothe slot,the internal circuitsmay
break andcause malfunctions.
Do notinsert adamaged SDmemory card(e.g.
warped, labelpeeled off)as itmay not beejected
from theslot.
Do nottryto forcean SD memory cardinto theSD
card slotas thecard orthis unit maybe damaged.
When ejectingan SDmemory card,press itand hold
it untilit clicks.It isdangerous toreleaseyour finger
immediately afterpressing the cardas itmay shoot
out ofthe slotand hit youin theface, etc.If the card
shoots outof theslot, itmay be lost.
Do notleave theiPodin directsunlight for extended
amounts oftime. Doingso may causethe iPod to
malfunction fromthe extremerise in temperature.
Do notleave theiPodin placeswith high tempera-
Toensure properoperation, connectthe dock connec-
tor cablefrom theiPoddirectly tothis unit.
Firmlysecurethe iPod whendriving. Donot letthe
iPod fallonto the floor, whereit maybecomejammed
under thebrake oraccelerator pedal.
Fordetails, referto themanuals for theiPod.
About iPodsettings
! WhenaniPodis connected, thisunit changesthe
EQ (equalizer)setting of theiPodto offin orderto
optimize theacoustics. Whenyou disconnect the
iPod, theEQ returns tothe originalsetting.
! You cannotset Repeat tooff onthe iPod when
using thisunit. Repeatis automaticallychanged
to Allwhen theiPodis connectedto thisunit.
JPEG picture files
JPEG isshort forJoint Photographic ExpertsGroup
and refersto astill imagecompr ession technology
Filesare compatible withBaseline JPEGand EXIF 2.1
still imagesup toa resolutionof 8 192× 7680. (EXIF
format isused mostcommonly with digitalstill cam-
Playbackof EXIF formatfiles thatwere processed bya
personal computermay notbe possible.
There isno progressiveJPEG compatibility.
DivX video files
Depending onthe compositionof the fileinformation,
such asthe numberof audiostreams or file size,
there maybe aslight delayin playback ifdata is
being playedback froman externalstorage device.
Some specialoperations maybe prohibited dueto
the compositionof the DivXfiles.
Only DivXfiles downloadedfrom aDivX partner site
are guaranteefor properoperation. Unauthorized
DivX filesmay notoperate properly.
DRM rentalfiles cannotbe operated untilplayback is
Additional Information