
PIONEER DVD-V7200 Industrial DVD Player RS-232 Command Protocol Manual
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2.1 Interface Connector
A computer may be connected to the DVD-V7200 through either the RS-232 serial
port or the parallel port by using a 15-pin D-Sub connector (e.g., a JAE DALC-
J15SAF connector with suitable plug such as the JAE DA-15PF-N).
The pins are identified below:
2.2 Serial Interface Pin Specification
Pin No. Terminal Input/Output Function
1 GND -- ground
2 TxD Output send data
3 RxD Input receive data
4 DTR Output enable data receiving
5 POWER Output
6 SW1 Input
7 SW2 Input
8 SW3 Input
9 SW4 Input
10 SW5 Input
11 SW6 Input
12 SW7 Input
13 SW8 Input
14 DLTST INPUT used only service support
(do not make connection)
15 V +8V OUTPUT used only service support
(do not make connection)
2.3 Computer Control Functions
2.3.1 Serial Control (see Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6)
The player and computer are based upon the RS-232C protocol and are
connected through the TxD, RxD, DTR and GND terminals.