
PIONEER DVD-V7200 Industrial DVD Player RS-232 Command Protocol Manual
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Execution :
Command String Status Return DVD-V7200
2CM<CR> R<CR> CCR = 3 (Default Communication Mode)
to CCR = 2 (Communication Mode-2)
6.22 Player Active Mode Request
Function : Returns the current activity mode of the player
Format : ?P
Explanation : The command confirms whether or not the player has been started and
placed into the Random Access mode and so on. The player returns an Active mode
classification from the table below.
P00 Open P05 Still
P01 Park P06 Pause
P02 Setup P07 Search
P03 Unload P08 Scan
P04 Play P09 Multi-speed
The following table provides fuller explanations for each Active mode:
P00 (Open) Disc tray is open
P01 (Park) Disc rotation is stopped
P02 (Setup) Preparation is being made for playback
P03 (Unload) Disc rotation stops and disc tray opens
P04 (Play) Audio and video are played at normal speed
P05 (Still) Playback stops with video held on screen
P06 (Pause) Playback stops and video is erased from screen
P07 (Search)
A specified address is searched for, a multi-track jump
is in progress, or a search for user’s code is in progress
P08 (Scan) Fast forward is in progress
P09 (Multi-speed) Playback occurs at any one of several speeds
Execution :
Command String Status Return DVD-V7200
?P<CR> P04<CR>
Play mode
Still mode
?P<CR> P05<CR> Play mode
6.23 Player Model Name Request
Function : Returns player model name
Format : ?X