PIONEER DVD-V7200 Industrial DVD Player RS-232 Command Protocol Manual
- 44 -
67 (5) 00 (fixed data = 00H) 1 bytes
(6) The upper digit of Title number or
Stack group number that is searched on
Sun. Set it with BCD.
1 bytes
69 The lower digit of Titke number of
Stack group number that is searched on
Sun. Set it with BCD.
1 bytes
70 (7) The upper digit of Chapter number
that is searched on Sun. Set it with BCD.
1 bytes
The lower digit of Chapter number that
is searched on Sun. Set it with BCD.
1 bytes
72 - 75 Checksum 4 bytes
(1) Fixed data :
It indicates the total data bytes of this transfer with HEX digit.
004cH = 76
The number that indicates the player mode when the player turns on is written in
here. It specifies the player mode as follows.
Upper nibble of it
4 : The player will seek the Title and Chapter that is written in the data.
8 : The palyer will execute the Stack that is specified in the data.
Lower nibble of it (This indicates the day)
0 : Monday
1 : Tuesday
2 : Wednesday
3 : Thursday
4 : Friday
5 : Saturday
6 : Sunday
It indicates the hour that the player power will be turned on. Basically, the hour is
used with the minute and is expressed with 00 through 23. The ffH means the hour is
not written in it.