Command Descriptions
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It indicates the minute of the player power will be turned on. Basically, the minute is
used with the hour and is expressed with 00 through 59. The ffH means the minute is
not written in it.
(5) Fixed data :
It indicates the upper and lower digit of Title number or Stack group number
according to the player mode that is written in it. (Refer to (2)) When the upper
nibble of the mode is 4, it indicates Title number. When 8, it indicates Stack group
number. It is showen with BCD.
It indicates the upper and lower digit of Chapter number or Stack group number
according to the player mode that is written in it. (Refer to (2)) When the upper
nibble of the mode is 4, it indicates Chapter number. When 8, it fixed 00H (upper)
and 01H (lower). It is showen with BCD.
It is the checksum of the data. It indicates the result of added up from BP 0 to BP 71.
It is showen with HEX (double word).
Example :
Monday, Turning on at 8:30, and turning off at 17:20. Seek Title 20th Chapter 5th.
Tuesday, Turning on at 9:30 only. Execute Stack group 123.
BP Data Explanations
0 00H
1 4cH
2 40H The mode of Monday
3 08H 8 o’clock (Hour of turning on )
4 30H 30 minutes (Minute of turning on)
5 17H 17 o’clock (Hour of turning off)
6 20H 20 ninutes (Minute of turning on)
7 00H Fixed data
8 00H The upper digit of Title number
9 20H The lower digit of Title number
10 00H The upper digit of Chapter number
11 05H The lower digit of Chapter number
12 81H The mode of Tuesday
13 09H 9 o’clock
14 30H 30 minutes
15 ffH