Current Address Request Descriptions
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Explanation : The command returns the player’s name as P1551XX where P1551
is the name of series and XX is a 2-digit serial code (not product serial number).
Execution :
Command String Status Return DVD-V7200
?X<CR> P155102<CR> Series name P1551 and serial code
6.24 Real Time Clock Request
Function : Returns the Real Time Clock
Format : ?W
Explanation : The command returns the Real clock time in the following format:
the last two digits of year
MM month
DD date
WW day, 00 means Monday, 06 means Sunday
HH hour 24-hour format
MM minute
SS second
Execution :
Command String Status Return DVD-V7200
?W<CR> 98061002142520
Wednesday, April First, 8:30:25
AM, 1998
6.25 Advanced Feature Menu Request
Function : Returns the current setting of Industrial Player Menu.
Format : ?S
Explanation : The player returns the current setting of Industrial Player Menu.
Basically, the return is expressed as some integer value. The value is made up with
the sum of each argument you want. The default is 0 when the player was shipped.
The player returns an error code if the command is issued when the player is showing
Industrial Player Menu on the screen. See the description of Advanced Feature Menu
Set (MS).
Execution :
Command String Status Return DVD-V7200
?S<CR> 112<CR> Title repeat mode (16)
Baud rate is 9600bps (32)
Tray lock on (64)