ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
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snapshottimeout <yes|no|get>
This command enables or disables the Snapshot Timeout option. By
default, all slides and snapshots are displayed for a period of four
minutes. When the display times out after four minutes, the system
automatically returns to live video. However, when this option is
disabled, the snapshot or slide stays on screen indefinitely until the
user presses the SNAPSHOT button on the remote control to return
to live video.
yes Enables the option: the display times out after four
minutes and the system returns to live video.
no Disables the option: the snapshot stays on screen
get Displays the current setting (yes or no).
snapshottimeout no
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Admin Setup>Video/Cameras>Monitors>TV Monitors:
Snapshot Timeout