ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
28 www.polycom.com
button <#|*|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|auto|
This command allows the user to send the same command as the
Polycom remote control to the user interface. Note that several
parameters can be combined in the same command in any order.
The command is not checked prior to being sent to the user
interface. Care should be used because a bong (a warning noise)
sound is sent from the system if there is no function for that button
on the currently active screen.
# Issues the # key to the user interface.
* Issues the * key to the user interface.
1 Issues the 1 key to the user interface.
2 Issues the 2 key to the user interface.
3 Issues the 3 key to the user interface.
4 Issues the 4 key to the user interface.
5 Issues the 5 key to the user interface.
6 Issues the 6 key to the user interface.
7 Issues the 7 key to the user interface.
8 Issues the 8 key to the user interface.
9 Issues the 9 key to the user interface.
0 Issues the 0 key to the user interface.
auto Sends the Auto key to the user interface.
callhangupSends the Call.Hang-Up key to the user interface.
camera Not implemented.