ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
© Polycom, Inc. 2003 21
allowdialing <yes|no|get>
This command enables or disables the Allow Dialing option.
yes Allows users to place calls.
no Disables dialing. Your system can only receive calls.
get Displays the current setting (yes or no).
allowdialing get
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Admin Setup>General Setup: Allow Dialing
allowmixedcalls <yes|no|get>
This command allows the administrator to disable the ability to place
or received mixed-protocol (IP and ISDN), multipoint calls for
security reasons.
Note The option Allow H.320 and H.323 Mixed Calls is only
visible on screen if the the ISDN Video Calls (H.320) option
has been enabled on the Call Preferences screen.
yes Allows mixed IP and ISDN calls.
no Disables mixed IP and ISDN calls.
get Displays the current setting (yes or no).