ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
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hostname <set|get> ["hostname"]
hostname set ["hostname"]
hostname set
hostname get
This command sets the LAN host name. This is the name assigned
to the system for TCP/IP configuration and it can be used in place of
an IP address when dialing IP calls. A LAN host name is required. It
cannot be deleted or left blank. When the LAN host name is
changed, the system prompts the user for a reboot.
set Sets the system’s LAN host name when followed by the
hostname parameter. If hostname is omitted, the
system automatically sets it to Admin.
get Displays the current setting.
hostname Character string specifying the LAN host name of the
system. The LAN host name follows these format rules:
• It starts and ends with an English letter (A-a to Z-z).
It is not case sensitive. It ends with an English letter
(A-a to Z-z) or a number (0 to 9).
• The characters inside the LAN host name can be
English letters, numbers, and hyphen.
• It cannot be longer than 63 characters.
Note 1 Use quotation marks around a compound name or strings
containing spaces (Ex: “united states” or “111 222 333”).
Note 2 The LAN host name is initialized as follows during the
out-of-box setup sequence:
If the system name is a valid LAN host name (meaning that
it follows the preceding format rules), then the LAN host
name is the same as the system name.
If the system name is not a valid LAN host name (meaning
that it does not follow the preceding format rules), the