ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
© Polycom, Inc. 2003 79
gmsurl <set|get> <{1..10}> ["xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"]
gmsurl set <{1..10}> ["xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"]
gmsurl set <{1..10}>
gmsurl get <{1..10}>
This command sets the URL of the GMS server that manages your
system. When you are registered with the GMS, this information is
automatically configured. In some instances, you may add GMS
URLs manually. This information is provided by your network
set <{1..10}> Sets the URL of the GMS server when followed by
the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx parameter. If you want to
erase the current setting, omit the parameter.
get Displays the current URL information for a selected
server. A server from the range <1..10> must be
1..10 GMS server order number. 1 is reserved for the
primary GMS server that performs account
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxIP address of the URL server. "/pwx/vs_status.asp"
is automatically appended after the IP address.
Example 1
gmsurl set 1
Example 2
gmsurl get 1
Output to Example 2