• Wise Shot
2 images aretakenatatime. One istaken inthe FiiFInFlashmode andtheother
is takeninthe ASR mode.Youcanselectand saveonlyone oftheimages.
• How tousethe Wise Shot
1.SelecttheASR modebyrotatingthemode dial.
2. Press the Ebuttonandthe Wise Shot functionis
3. Press the Shutterbuttonto captureimages.
4. Capturedimages aredisplaying.
-Toselect image,presstheLeft/Rightbutton.
Imag_ ) with Flash
5. Press the OK / Shutter button and the setected image will be saved.
• Howto usethe SCENEmode ( SCENE )
Usethe menuto easilyconfigureoptimal settings
for a varietyofshootingsituations.
1.SelecttheSCENEmode by rotatingthemode
2.Pressthe menubuttonand selectadesired
scene menu.
[SCENE mode]
÷ The scenemodes are listedbelow.
[Nightscene] (1_1) :Usethisforshootingstillimagesatnightorinotber
[Portrait] (I_) :To take apictureof a person.
[Children] (D) :To take a picture of fast moving objects, for
example, children.
[Landscape] (I_1 ) :To take picturesofdistant scenery.
[Text] ( O ) : Usethismodeto shoota document.
[Closeup] ( D ) :Close-up shootingfor smallobjects such asplants
and insects.
[Sunset] (IQ) : Fortaking picturesof sunsets.
[Dawn] ( a ) : Daybreakscenes..
[Backlight] ( [] ) : Portraitwithout shadows caused by backiight.
[Flirework] (I_1 ) : Fireworkscenes.
[Beach&Snow] (I_] ) : Forocean,lake, beach andsnowscape scenes.