• You can make the subjectstand out fromits
surroundings.The subject willbesharp and infocus
whilemaking the restoutoffocus.
1.Pressthe Ebuttonintheavailablecamera
modes(Not available:Movieclip,Voice,Auto,
Manual, ASR,Scene).
2. Selectthe [] menutab by pressingthe Left/ Rightbutton.
3. Selecta desiredsubmenu by pressingtheUp/ Downbutton andpressthe
[Range 1] [Range2] [Range 3] [Range 3]
• Moving and changingthe focus frame
Youcan changethe focusframe afterselectingaRange menu.
1.Pointthecameratowards the subjectandcompose the image by usingthe
LCD monitor.
2. Pressthe +/- button.
3.Thecolourof focus frameturns white.Press the Up/Down/Left/Right button
to movethefocus frame position.
4.To selectthefocus frame position,pressthe +/- button againand you can
take a picture.
Pressing the +/- button
4. The presetfocusframe will appear.
Press the shutterbuttontocapture animage
[Theframe is activated]
Pressing the +/- button
[Afterchanging theframe