Wecannot,however,beheld responsibleinanywayfordamage caused by
• Usinga Hand-madePC or a PC andOSthat has not been guaranteedby the
manufactureris not coveredby the Samsung warranty.
• Before readingthis manuel,you should havea basicknowledgeof computers
andO/S(Operating Systems).
For Windows For Macintosh
Pow_thprocessorbetlerthanPsntiumI1450MHz Power Mec G3orlater
Wiedows 98/98SE /2000/ ME/ XP Mac OS10.0~ 10.3
Minimum 64MBRAM Minimum 64MBRAM
20OMBofavailableharddiskspace 1t0MB of availablehard-diskspace
USBport USB port
CD-ROMdrive DD-ROMdrive
1024x768 pixels,16bitcolordisplay For playingbackamovieclip
compatiblemonitor Mac OS 10.1orlater
(24bitcolordisplayrecommended) MPleyer
AfterinsertingtheCD-ROM providedwiththiscameraintotheCD-ROMdrive,the
followingwindow shouldautomaticallyrun.
Beforeconnectingthe camera tothePC, you
shouldfirstinstallthe camera driver.
÷ ScreenCaptures illustrated onthis manualis
basedon EnglishEditionof Windows.
• Cameradriver :This enables images to transferbetweenthe cameraandPC.
Thiscamera usesthe USB StorageDriveras the camera driver.You canusethe
cameraasa USB cardreader.Afterinstallingthedriver andconnectingthis
cameratothe PC,youcanfind[Removable Disk]in[Windows Explorer]or[My
computer].A USB StorageDriver isprovidedonly forWindows. AUSB Driverfor
MAC isnot included withthe ApplicationCD. Youcanusethe camera withMac
OS10.0~ 10.3.
• DigimaxMaeter :Thie isthe all-in-onemulti media software solution.
Youcandownload,view, editandsaveyour digitalimagesand movieclipsclip
withthissoftware. Thissoftware isonly compatiblewithWindows.