
DANGERindicatesanimminentlyhazardo_tssituation which,ifnot avoided,wilt
resultindeath or seriousinjury.
Do net attemptto modify thiscamei:ajB_an_,ay. To de so may resultinfire,
injury,electricshockor severe _ma_ i_iyo_r yourcamera. Internal
inspection,maintenance and[8_airs_ld oniybecarriedoutby your dealeror
Samsung Camera Self/ice_ntre. _ '_"_
Pease do not useths pr_uct n cce _roxm yto_mmab e or expos ve
gases,as this couldinq'[_se the ris_plceion.
Shoud anyform of qu _.orafore,i_n bie_ enter h_pamera do not use t
Switchoffthe camera,andthen disconnectthe
camera asthis may
Do not insertor dropmetallic or inflammableforeign objectsintothe camera
through accesspointse.g.the memorycardslotand batterychamber. This may
cause afire or electricshock.
Do not operate thiscamera with wet hands.This could posea risk ofelectric
WARNINGindicatesapotentiallyhazardoussituation which,ifnot avoided,could
resultindeath or serious injury.
Donotusethe flash inclose proximitytopeople or animals.Positioningthe flash
too closeto yoursubject'seyes may,ca_ eyesightdamage.
i Forsafetyreasons keepthis prod_ and _essories out of reachof childrenor
animalsto preventaccidentse.gt 'C_
Swallowingbattery orsmat!_me ess_ies. Ifan accidentshouldoccur,
pleaseconsultadoctori_ediatei_ '_,
• There isthe possibilityq_i_juryfret4_e camer_ moving parts.
Batteryandcamera ma_;becemehoisting prolon_ useand itmayresultin
camera malfunction.S_uld thisbeif_e_case,allowth_camera tosit idlefor a
few minutesto allowit
Donotleave this camer#_#_l_J_c_it_ e_,_[#_ _ hightemperatures, such
as a sealedvehicle, dir_ sunfi_oi_eth_ pl#c_ _f,_treme variancesin
temperature.Exposureto extremetemperaturesmay adverselyaffectthe
camera's internal componentsandcould cause afire.
When inuse,do not coverthe camera or Charger.This may causeheatto build
upand distortthe camera bodyorcauseafire. Nways usethe cameraand its
accessoriesina well-ventilatedarea.