Low Battery!
- Thereis lowbatterycapacity
Low Light!
- Whentakingpictures indarkplaces
Take pictures inFlashPhotographymode.
• Pleasecbeckthe following
Thecamera doesn't switch on
- Thereis towbattery capacity
Insertfiesh batteries.(p.10)
. Batteryisinserted incorrectlywith the polaritiesreversed•
tnsertthebatteryaccordingto the polaritymarks (+,-)
- Batteryisnot inserted
tnsertthebatteryandturnonthe camera
Thecamera power ceaseswhile inuse
- The batteryis exhausted
- The Camera isturned offautomatically
Turn onthe camera power again.
•The Camerais being used in lowtemperatures
Keep thecamera inwarmconditions (i.e.insideacoator jacket)andonly
remove itinorderto take images
Camera does nottake images when pressingthe Shutterbutton
•There is insufficientmemorycapacity
Delete unnecessaryimagefiles
•The memory cardhasnot beenformatted
Formatthe memorycard(p.63)
•The memory cardis exhausted
Inserta new memorycard
•The memory cardis locked
Referto [CardLocked!]errormessage (p.69)
•The camera' s power is off
Turn the camerapoweron
•The batteryis exhausted
Insertfresh batteries.(p.10).
• Batteryis insertedincorrectlywiththe polaritiesreversed•
Insertthe battery accordingtothe polarity marks (+,-)
The camera suddenlystopsworkingwhileinuse
•The camera stopped dueto a malfunction
Remove/re-insert batteryand switchthecamera on