96 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D
9.2.12 Link Service Reject (LS_RJT)
Link Service Reject (LS_RJT) is a reply to an extended link service request that has been rejected. A reason
code is included to communicate additional information about the reject.
Field definitions (listed alphabetically)
LS Command Code (Link Services Command Code)
01h LS_RJT Payload.
Reason Code
03h Logical Error . This reason code is sent in response to rejected PLOGI and PRLI requests. See Reason Explanation
codes 01h, 03h, 07h, 09h, and 0Fh for PLOGI errors. For PRLI errors, the Reason Explanation code is 00, unspeci-
fied. The PRLI errors are Page Length Not 16, Type Code Not 8, and Payload Length Not 20.
09h Unable to perform command request. This reason code is sent in response to PLOGI. See Reason Explanation
code 29h.
0Bh Not supported. This reason code is returned in response to extended link service frames that are not supported.
Reason Explanation
The following reason code explanations are returned:
01h Invalid options. Returned in response to a PLOGI if class 3 parameters are not valid.
03h Initiator Control class service options. Returned in response to a PLOGI if the initiator requires process associators.
07h Receive data field size. Returned in response to a PLOGI if the initiator sends a receive buffer size in the common
or class 3 service parameters that is not a multiple of four bytes or not in the range of 256–2112 bytes.
09h Invalid service parameter—concurrent sequences. Returned in response to a PLOGI if the initiator sets zero (0)
concurrent sequences.
0Bh Invalid service parameter—credit. Returned in response to a PLOGI if the alternate credit model is not supported by
the initiator.
0Fh Invalid common service parameters. Returned in response to a PLOGI if common service parameters contain an
unsupported version of FC-PH, continuously increasing offset is not supported, or the F_Port bit is set.
1Fh Invalid N_Port identifier. This code is returned in response to a RLS if the port identifier value is not in the range of
29h Insufficient resources for login. This code is returned to PLOGI if the login table is full and no initiator can be logged
out (all logged in initiators have active commands in the queue). The PLOGI may be retried.
2Ch Request not supported.
Vendor Unique
Not supported by the drive.
Table 53: LS_RJT Payload
LS Command Code
Reason Code
Reason Explanation
Vendor Unique