Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 215
Page Length
The length of the mode parameters that follow (in bytes). If the initiator does not set this value to the value that is returned
for the page by the Mode Sense command, the drive terminates the command with Check Condition status. The sense key
is set to Illegal Request with the additional sense code set to Invalid Field in Parameter List. The drive is permitted to imple-
ment a mode page that is less than the full page length defined by this specification, provided no field is truncated and the
page length field correctly specifies the actual length implemented. If the Strict bit equals zero and if the page length speci-
fied by the initiator is shorter than the actual page length, then the parameters are transferred and the command ends with
Good status if no other items cause the command to be rejected.
Caution: Data integrity may be adversely affected if an initiator uses this forgiving option without analyzing the impact of
the truncation.
See the individual page code descriptions for specific page lengths.
PS (Parameter Savable)
1 Page contains savable parameters.
0 None of the parameters within the page are savable.
Since the parameters within pages 3 and 4 are always saved during Format commands (but not by a Mode Select com-
mand with the SMP bit set to 1), these pages return a 1 for the PS bit.
Table 145: Mode sense page code section reference
Page code
Page description Reference table
Unit Attention page 146 (page 216)
Error Recovery 147 (page 218)
Disconnect/Reconnect Control 148 (page 221)
Format Parameters 149 (page 223)
Rigid Disc Drive Geometry 150 (page 226)
Verify Error Recovery page 151 (page 228)
Caching page 152 (page 230)
Control Mode page 153 (page 233)
Notch and Partition page 154 (page 235)
XOR Control Mode page 155 (page 237)
Fibre Channel Interface Control page 156 (page 239)
Power Condition page 157 (page 241)
Informational Exceptions Control page 158 (page 243)