150 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D
Table 93 lists the extended sense, additional sense, and additional sense qualifier codes.
Table 93: Error codes for bytes 12 and 13 of sense data (values are in hexadecimal)
Byte 12
Byte 13
00 00 No additional sense information
01 00 No index/sector signals found
02 00 No seek complete (no drive command complete)
03 00 Peripheral device write fault
04 00 Logical unit (drive) not ready, cause not reportable
04 01 Logical unit (drive) not ready, becoming ready
04 02 Logical unit (drive) not ready, initializing command (start unit) required
04 03 Logical unit (drive) not ready, manual intervention required
04 04 Logical unit (drive) not ready, format in progress
08 00 Drive communications failure
08 01 Drive communications timeout
09 00 Track following error
09 01 Write fault status during read
09 04 Head select fault
0A 00 Error log overflow
0C 00 Write error
0C 01 Write error recovered with auto reallocation
0C 02 Write error – auto reallocation failed
10 00 ID CRC or ECC error 11 00 unrecovered read error
11 00 Unrecovered read error
11 04 Unrecovered read error – auto reallocation failed
12 00 Address mark not found for ID field
12 01 Recovered data using headerless retry without ECC using previous sector ID
12 02 Recovered data using headerless retry with ECC using previous sector ID
14 01 Record not found
15 01 Mechanical positioning error
16 00 Data synchronization mark missing or incorrect
17 01 Recovered data using retries
17 02 Recovered data using positive offset
17 03 Recovered data using negative offset
17 06 Recovered data without ECC – data auto reallocated
18 00 Recovered data using ECC, no retries attempted
18 01 Recovered data using ECC after normal retries
18 02 Recovered data with ECC and/or retries, data auto-reallocated
18 05 Recovered data with ECC and/or retries, recommend reassignment