Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 383
Public loop device
A device with at least one public NL_Port.
Public NL_Port
An NL_Port which can observe the rules of either public or private loop behavior. A public NL_Port may have
open Exchanges with both private and public NL_Ports concurrently.
Quality of Service Facilitator.
Quality of Service Request.
Routing Control.
Resource_Allocation_Timeout value.
Receiver_Transmitter_Timeout Value.
Random Relative Offset
The relationship specified between Relative Offset values contained in frame (n) and frame (n+1) of an Infor-
mation Category within a single Sequence. For a given Information Category i within a single Sequence, Ran-
dom Relative Offset (RO[i]) value for a frame (n+1) is unrelated to that of the previous frame (n). (see Initial
Relative Offset and Continuously Increasing Relative Offset).
Read Connection Status.
1. The portion of a Link_Control_Facility dedicated to receiving an encoded bit stream from a fibre, convert-
ing this bit stream into Transmission Characters, and Decoding these characters using the rules specified
by FC-PH.
2. An electronic circuit (Rx) that converts a signal from the media (optical or electrical) to an electrical retimed
(or nonretimed) serial logic signal.
Receiver overload
The condition of exceeding the maximum acceptable value of the received average optical power at point gR
to achieve a BER <10
Note. (See FC-PI-2, Section 5.9, Interoperability points, Figure 10, where
gR = Bulkhead Receiver Con-