122 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D
Link Failure Count
Count of the number of Loss of Sync conditions that have occurred on the port which exceeded 100 ms in duration.
LIP F7 Initiated Count
Count of the number of loop initialization processes originated by the port with LIP – F7’s (Initialize LIP).
LIP F7 Received Count
Count of the number of loop initialization processes initiated on the port by receiving LIP – F7’s (Initialize LIP).
LIP F8 Initiated Count
Count of the number of loop initialization processes originated by the port with LIP – F8’s (Failure LIP).
LIP F8 Received Count
Count of the number of loop initialization processes initiated on the port by receiving LIP – F8’s (Failure LIP).
Loss of Signal Count
00h The count of the number of Loss of Signal conditions on the port (not supported).
Loss of Sync Count
The count of the number of short ( < 100 ms) Loss of Synchronization conditions that have occurred on the port.
Page Length
60h The length of the Link Status page (in bytes).
Primitive Sequence Protocol Error, Port A
00h The number of FC-PH defined Primitive Sequence Protocol Errors on port A. This field is not valid in loop mode
(not supported).
Primitive Sequence Protocol Error, Port B
00h The number of FC-PH defined Primitive Sequence Protocol Errors on port B. This field is not valid in loop mode
(not supported).