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Features Options
YouTube : This is the most
popular video sharing website
on the internet. This enables
you to upload, view, and share
videos with other YouTube
Popular Websites
, Featured : This option lists the YouTube videos for the day. This includes a list of videos
suggested by the YouTube staff. The listed video displays the title, duration of the video,
number of views, rating on 5 counts and the source of the video.
. Search : This option enables you to search for a specific video on the YouTube website. You
can use this option when you want to watch a YouTube video of your choice. It lists videos that
match the string of characters entered in the search box. (See "Search" on page 37.)
. Login : This option enables you to access your existing YouTube user account. Before
continuing to access your YouTube account using VuNow Pod, ensure that the account is
created using a PC. VuNow Pod can remember up to 4 user names with the option to
remember the password(s). Using Login you can access your customized options on the
YouTube such as My Subscription, My Playlist, My Favorites, and My Uploads. (See "Login"
on page 38.)
. Most Viewed : This option displays the list of the most viewed videos on the YouTube website.
This list is based on the number of views for a video.
. Most Recent : This option lists the most recently uploaded videos to YouTube website. This
enables you to view the latest entries available on YouTube. You will see a list of recently
viewed videos providing details about the duration of the video, number of views for the video,
and the name of the album.
. Top Favorites : This option lists the videos that have maximum number of favorite setting by
the users. This enables you to view the top favorite video on the YouTube website. The videos
are grouped under relevant categories. The listed video displays the title, duration of the video,
number of views, rating on 5 counts and the source of the video.
. Top Rated :This option lists the videos that have received top rating by the users. The videos
are available in various categories. This enables you to search a video among the YouTube's
Top Rated. The listed video displays the title, duration of the video, number of views, rating on
5 counts and the source of the video.
. Channels : This option in YouTube enables you to access the popular content on YouTube
website provided by VuNow service. The channels page enables you to navigate to the video
listing page to access video content on YouTube.
. Settings : This option allows you to choose the specific country for YouTube region. From the
list of countries, select the country, then the VuNow Pod will point to the corresponding
YouTube site.
The popular website feature enables you to enjoy the popular video sites available on the
internet. Videos from various popular websites like PlayOn, CNN Video, ABC news, ESPN, and
PGATou r, etc. are available for viewing.
(. For details on PlayOn, see "About PlayOn" on page 41.)