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The VuNow Pod can be connected to your home network
with wired connection or wireless connection. (For details,
refer to "CONNECTING TO NETWORK" on page 10.)
The network connection can be established by using the
"Network Wizard" or "Advanced" options available within the
VuNow Pod.
mConfiguring the VuNow Pod using Network Wizard
It provides you with the option to select wired or wireless
mode. Wired is the recommended mode to be used while
connecting the VuNow Pod to a network.
Wired Network connection
1, Select "Settings" from home page.
2. Select "Network" in "Settings" section.
. Then the configuration type screen appears.
3. Select "Network Wizard".
. Then the network type screen appears.
4. Select "Wired [Preferred]".
. Then the VuNow Pod automatically detects your Home
Network, Internet settings and VuNow Pod Server
settings and conducts a download speed test of the
5. Select "Done" to confirm successful connection
Wireless Network connection
1, Perform the steps 1-3 in "Wired Network
connection" procedure above.
2. Select "Wireless".
. Then the Wireless Network list appears.
3. Select your wireless network.
. In such a case that the WEP input list appears, perform
the following steps 4 and 5.
4. Select your WEP key type.
. Then the soft keypad appears.
5, Enter the WEP key for the wireless network and
press "OK" key.
. Then the VuNow Pod automatically detects your Home
Network, Internet settings and VuNow Pod server
settings and conducts a download speed test of the
O. Select "Done" to confirm successful connection
[]Configuring the VuNow Pod using Advanced
. The Advanced option enables you to manually configure
the VuNow Pod on your home network in the Wired and
the Wireless mode.
Configuring the VuNow Pod using the Advanced option is
recommended only ifyou are aware of the settings used
for your home network and can customize them.
AdvancedWired Mode
1, Select"Settings" from home page.
2, Select "Network" in "Settings" section.
, Then theconfigurationtype screenappears.
3, Select "Advanced".
, Then the "Settings"screen appears.