My Channels
[]To add a channel to My Channels
, You can addany internetchannelto this list.
1, Select 'lnternet TV & Radio" from home page.
2, Select the desired of internet channels.
,._, Press the "DISC MENU" button.
, Then the optionsof"Add To MyChannels"isdisplayed
for severalseconds.
4, Select "Add To My Channels".
, The selectedchannelis added tothe list.
[]To play a channel listed in the "My Channels"
1, Select "My Channels" in "My Collection" section.
2, Select a channel in the list of channels and play
. Then the selected channel is played.
[]To remove a channel
1, Select "My Channels" in "My Collection" section.
2, Select a channel in the list of channels.
3, Press the "DISC MENU" button.
Then theoptionsare displayedforseveralseconds.
Options j Description
Remove from My Channels IRemoves the selected channel
IAllows you to jump to a page if the
Jump to Page jentries are more
4, Select the "Remove from My Channels"
, Then the selectedchannel isremoved.
[]To Bookmark a video
. You can bookmark a video in "YouTube", "Popular
Websites", "Movies" section, etc.
1, Select a video.
2, Press the "DISC MENU" button.
Thethe options of"Bookmarkthis Video"is displayedfor
3, Select the "Bookmark this Video".
*The selectedvideo gets bookmarked.
[]To play a bookmarked video
1, Select "Bookmarks" in "My Collection" section.
2, Select a a bookmarked video in the list of
Bookmarks and play it.
. Then the selected video is played.
[]To delete a bookmark
1, Select "Bookmarks" in "My Collection" section.
2, Select a video in the list of Bookmarks.
3, Press the "DISC MENU" button.
*Then the optionsaredisplayedfor severalseconds.
Options __ Description
Delete this Bookmark IDeletes the selected bookmark
IAllows you to jump to a page if the
Jump to Page lentries are more
4, Select the "Delete this Bookmark"
, Then the selectedbookmarkis deleted.