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Recently Played
liTo play a recently played video
1, Select "Recently Played" in "My Collection"
2, Select a video in the Recently played list and
play it.
liTo clear a video in the Recently Played list
1, Select "Recently Played" in "My Collection"
2, Select a video in the Recently Played list.
3, Press the "DISC MENU" button.
Then the options are displayed for several seconds.
Options I Description
Clear Recently Played IRemoves the selected video
Adds the selected video to My
Add to My Channels IChanne s
IAllows you to jump to a page if the
Jump to Page lentries are more.
4, Select the "Clear Recently Played".
, Then the selected video is removed.
lifo search a video on the YouTube website
1, Select "YouTube" from home page.
2, Select "Search" in "YouTube" section.
.Then the soft keypad appears.
.The table below lists keys and uses of soft keypad.
Key Name ] Uses
I To delete the last character entered in the
DEL j search box.
I To clear the search string entered in the search
CLR j box.
Space ITo insert a space(blank) in the search box.
Key Name Uses
MORE To display more special characters needed to
enter a string.
Alphabet To enter letters from the alphabet keys.
Numeric To enter numbers from the numeric keys.
Special To enter special characters such as @, &, %, etc.
3. Enter the search string using the soft keypad.
.Then the listofvideos searchedisdisplayed.
4, Select a video in the search list and play it.
, Thenthe selectedvideo is played.
IlYouTube search menu options
. During YouTube search, press the "DISC MENU" button.
Then the options are displayed for several seconds.
Options Description
Bookmarks and lists the video under
Bookmark this Video "Bookmarks" in "My Collection" section for
future viewing.
Bookmark this Search Adds the search string to Bookmarks in
"My Collection" section.
Allows you to jump to a page if the entries
Jump to Page are more.
IlYouTube Playback Menu Options
, During YouTube playback, press the "DISC MENU" button.
Then the options are displayed for several seconds.
Options Description
Related Videos Displays list of related videos on a video
listing page.
Bookmarks and lists the video under
Bookmark this Video "Bookmarks" in "My Collection" section for
future viewing.
Add to Favorites* Adds to your customized option
- My favorites.
Rate this Video* Enables you to rate the selected video.
Enables you to flag those video that do not
Flag as Inappropriate* belong to the listed category.
*: These option will be available when you Iogin to your
personal YouTube account.