
[About CinemaNow
CinemaNow is a Web-based digital video distribution
company. The CinemaNow library contains approximately
10,000 feature-length films, short films, music concerts and
With the most diverse range of content available on the
internet, CinemaNow is a good choice for viewers seeking
wide and unique range of videos that are not available on
network television, cable, or at the local video store.
VuNow Pod allows the user to browse, select and play this
CinemaNow content directly on the TV. You also have an
option to use your PC to push your rented or bought content
to your VuNow Pod.
into create your CinemaNow Account
You need to have a CinemaNow account to use the
CinemaNow feature of your VuNow Pod.
You can access CinemaNow movies on your VuNow Pod
using an account that is specifically created on this website.
1, Using your PC, visit the CinemaNow website at
2, Click on the REGISTER option that appears in
the top right corner of the window.
3, Fill in the necessary information in the provided
fields and click on the SUBMIT button.
. An account will be created. You can use this account to
access CinemaNow movie from the VuNow Pod.
[] Note :
* Accounts created only on www.cinemanow.com can be
accessed from your VuNow Pod.
[]To register CinemaNow account from VuNow Pod
To enjoy CinemaNow contents via VuNow Pod, The VuNow
Pod registration will be needed.
1, Select "Movies" from home page.
2. Select the CinemaNow channel in the list.
* Then the options of the CinemaNow appears.
3. Select "Login".
* Then the user name entry screen appears with a soft
4,, Enter your user name and password to access
your CinemaNow account.
. Your VuNow Pod is now registered with the CinemaNow
[] Note :
.This is a one time activity and not required again unless
you explicitly Iogout from the CinemaNow Zone.
[To buy or rent videos from the CinemaNow
account (using PC)
1, Log into your CinemaNow account at
www.cinemanow.com on the PC.
2, Select video to be bought or rented.
3, Select the "BUY NOW" or "RENT NOW".
4, Select the "CHECKOUT" and perform the
checkout procedure.
5, Select the "Watch It On" to match with your
registered VuNow Pod.("registered user name-
6, Select the "START DOWNLOAD".
.Then the selected video will be pushed to your VuNow
Pod. Ensure that you have the USB storage device
connected to this receiver.
Within 90 seconds of pushing the video to your
VuNow Pod, you will get a pop up message
about the availability of the title. Please select
Then thedownloadof the video willstartimmediately.
6, Select "My Collection" from home page.
9, Select "Rented Videos" in "My Collection"
°Then the listof available videosisdisplayed.
10, Select a video to start play.