■ If the file on one of the existing nodes resembles:
0 galaxy
1 nebula
■ Update the file for all nodes, including the new one, resembling:
0 galaxy
1 nebula
2 saturn
Create the file /etc/llttab on the new node, making sure that line beginning
"set-node" specifies the new node.
The file /etc/llttab on an existing node can serve as a guide.
Thefollowing exampledescribes asystemwhere nodesaturn isthe newnode
on cluster number 2:
set-node saturn
set-cluster 2
link eth1 eth1 - ether - -
link eth2 eth2 - ether - -
On the new system, run the command:
# /sbin/lltconfig -c
To configure GAB
Create the file /etc/gabtab on the new system.
■ If the /etc/gabtab file on the existing nodes resembles:
/sbin/gabconfig -c
The file on the new node should bethe same. Symantec recommendsthat
you use the -c -nN option, where N is the number of cluster nodes.
■ If the /etc/gabtab file on the existing nodes resembles:
/sbin/gabconfig -c -n2
The file onall nodes,including the new node, should change toreflect the
change in the number of cluster nodes. For example, the new file on each
node should resemble:
/sbin/gabconfig -c -n3
129Adding and removing cluster nodes
Adding a node to a cluster