When the command prompts, enter a passphrase and confirm it.
Change the permissions of the .ssh directory by typing:
# chmod 755 ~/.ssh
The file ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub contains a line that begins with ssh_dss and ends
with the name of the system on which it was created. Copy this line to the
/root/.ssh/authorized_keys2file onall systems whereyou planto installVCS.
If the local system is part of the cluster, make sure to edit the
authorized_keys2 file on that system.
Run the following commands on the system where you are installing:
# exec /usr/bin/ssh-agent $SHELL
# ssh-add
This step is shell-specific and is valid for the duration the shell is alive.
When the command prompts, enter your DSA passphrase.
You are ready to install VCS on several systems in one of the following ways:
■ Run the installvcs program on any one of the systems
■ Run the installvcs program on an independent systemoutside thecluster
To avoid running the ssh-agent oneach shell, run theX-Window system and
configure it so that you are not prompted for the passphrase. Refer to the
Red Hat documentation for more information.
To verify that you can connect to the systems where you plan to install VCS,
# ssh -x -l root north ls
# ssh -x -l root south ifconfig
# ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub root@north
Thecommands shouldexecuteon theremote systemwithouthaving toenter
a passphrase or password.
Setting up shared storage
For VCS I/O fencing, the data disks must support SCSI-3 persistent reservations.
Youneed toconfigure acoordinator disk groupthat supportsSCSI-3 PRand verify
that it works.
See “About setting up disk-based I/O fencing” on page 89.
Preparing to install VCS
Performing preinstallation tasks