Table 3-2
Preinstallation tasks (continued)
See “Optimizing LLT media speed settings on private NICs”
on page 48.
Review basic
instructions to optimize
LLT media speeds.
See “Guidelines for setting the media speed of the LLT
interconnects” on page 48.
you set the LLT
See “Mounting the product disc” on page 49.Mount the product disc
See“Performingautomatedpre-installationcheck”on page49.Verify the systems
before installation
Obtaining VCS license keys
Thisproduct includesaLicense Keycertificate. Thecertificatespecifies theproduct
keys and the number of product licenses purchased. A single key lets you install
the product on the number and type of systems for which you purchased the
license. A key may enable the operation of more products than are specified on
thecertificate. However, youare legallylimited to thenumber ofproduct licenses
purchased. The product installation procedure describes how to activate the key.
Toregister andreceive a softwarelicense key,go tothe SymantecLicensingPortal
at the following location:
Make sure you have your Software Product License document. You need
information in this document to retrieve and manage license keys for your
Symantec product. After you receive the license key, you can install the product.
Click the Help link at this site to access the License Portal User Guide and FAQ.
The VRTSvlic package enables product licensing. After the VRTSvlic is installed,
the following commands and their manual pages are available on the system:
Installs a license key for a Symantec productvxlicinst
Displays currently installed licensesvxlicrep
Retrieves the features and their descriptions that are encoded in a
license key
39Preparing to install VCS
Performing preinstallation tasks